IGC Ranking
Information for Scorers and Directors
  • To simplyfy the process of submitting results to the Ranking Lis, we need "Rank List ID" details to be filled in SeeYou scoring for ALL PILOTS
  • If you don't have Ranking list ID for a pilot, please see below.
    NOTE: The previous (old) method of submitting results still works, please use this link instructions for submitting results in XLS format
Scoring actions required for SeeYou scoring :
  • Use a resent version of SeeYou (6.1 or higher) for scoring the competition
  • Register your event on Naviter's Soaring Spot site and make sure the results get uploaded
  • In SeeYou scoring software, in the Pilot details select each pilots Ranking list ID, the image below shows how to do this.
  • When the competition is finished and all the results are final then please email the ranking list administrators [email protected] to tell them that the results are ok to import into the ranking list
Select Pilots Ranking List ID

The list is the footer updated after competitions that is sanctioned for inclusion. For background or more information please see the relevant pages or go to the news page. Please read the news page or FAQ's before you mail us with a query or comment.